Where: Alte Gießerei Berlin e.V., Herzbergstrasse 123, 10365 Berlin
How much: The workshop is free, donations for the Alte Giesserei are of course welcome!
What should you bring? Its cool to bring your own project (on your laptop if possible). Then we can check the track with everybody and work straight on it!
What: I will do 2 sessions of 3 hours each. With about 4 people at the same time. The idea of the workshop is that I can function as an extra set of ears and with my mix experience (Bonaparte / Anouk / Stromae / Peter Fox / Thomas Azier) I can show you how I would approach stuff. I can also show in my projects how I make decisions and how I work.
How to apply? Just send me an email: mixing@gies.se. As I don’t have a lot of places be quick letting me know if you want to join!